
Transform Onboarding with Custom AI Knowledge Bots

Passarel is an AI-powered onboarding platform that creates custom language models for new hires, utilizing GPT-like models and integrating with existing documentation to provide data-driven chatbots for seamless employee access.

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Transform Onboarding with Custom AI Knowledge Bots

What is Passarel

Passarel is an AI-powered onboarding platform that creates custom language models using domain-specific data to support the onboarding of new employees. It leverages GPT-like AI models to automate the process, providing on-demand access to company-specific information and documentation. The platform integrates with existing knowledge bases and documentation, allowing new hires to have a personalized onboarding experience. The AI-model is adaptable, allowing for selective fine-tuning to tailor the language model to a company's specific needs.

How to use Passarel

Create custom language models by tuning them with company-specific data using provided integrations, and deploy the model as a chatbot for employees to access on-demand knowledge, utilizing GPT-like AI models for employee onboarding.

Key Features

  • AI-powered onboarding platform,
  • Creating custom language models using domain-specific data,
  • Integrations for seamless knowledge sharing and data-driven chatbots

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the AI technology used in Passarel?

GPT-like AI models for employee onboarding.

Can Passarel's AI models be updated to fit our company's specific needs?

Yes, selective fine-tuning of specific integrations and material is allowed for a unique AI model.

Does Passarel use AI to retain any data?

No, uploaded documents or data are not retained after model creation for data security purposes. """ }