Companion AI

Transform the benefits of favorite AI assistant from your computer.

Unlock the power of Companion AI to Experience Your favorite AI assistant directly from your computer. with Your.

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Transform the benefits of favorite AI assistant from your computer.

Companion AI's Overview

Your favorite AI assistant directly from your computer.

How to use Companion AI?

Select between Chat GPT and Google Bard and start using AI now.

### Companion AI's Core Features

Write, create, code, and much more with Companion AI.

### FAQ from Companion AI

How do I select between Chat GPT and Google Bard?

Right-click the "spark ✨" icon on your tray bar to open the menu of options. Click the "Select companion" option to open the selector page.

How do I make Companion AI start with my Mac?

Click the "apple 🍎" menu at the top left corner of your screen, select "System Settings...", look for "General > Login Items". Click the ➕ button under the "Open at Login". Look for the location where you have Companion AI installed (usually under the Applications folder). Select the "Companion-Ai" application. Done, next time you restart your computer Companion AI will automatically be available to you.

How do I hide/show Companion AI?

Simply click the "spark ✨" icon on your tray bar to show/hide Companion AI.

What updates are available for Companion AI?

Version 0.0.5 (10/5/2023) - Auto Update (Companion AI now updates itself to the latest version, download once and done)

Who created Companion AI?

Companion AI was made with ♥️ by Mariz Melo.