
Remember More, Worry Less with Heyday

Heyday is an AI-powered memory assistant that helps users remember more of what they learn. It automatically saves pages, documents, and content, enhancing search functionality and providing improved reading experience.

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Remember More, Worry Less with Heyday

What is Heyday

Heyday is an AI-powered memory assistant that helps users remember more of what they learn by automatically saving pages visited and resurfaces them alongside search results. It can resurface various types of digital content, including articles, webpages, documents, messages, files, newsletters, notes, presentations, spreadsheets, tweets, and more. The AI technology enables users to retrieve forgotten information, organize and contextualize it, and provide an improved reading experience. Heyday's AI capabilities create a knowledge base that fills itself, allowing users to access previously viewed information seamlessly.

How to use Heyday

Use Heyday by installing the extension, integrating your apps, and letting it automatically save and resurface pages, documents, and other content alongside search results, utilizing its AI-powered memory assistant to help you remember more of what you learn.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Heyday's AI algorithm work?

Heyday's AI algorithm automatically saves pages you visit and resurfaces them alongside search results. It also resurfaces documents, messages, files, newsletters, notes, presentations, spreadsheets, tweets, and more.

How accurate is Heyday's memory?

Heyday's AI-powered memory assistant is designed to remember more of what you learn, providing an accurate and seamless way to access previously viewed information.

Can Heyday's AI recognize different types of content?

Yes, Heyday's AI can recognize and resurface not just articles and webpages but also documents, messages, files, newsletters, notes, presentations, spreadsheets, tweets, and more.""" }